You are about to discover a scientifically proven nutritional supplement that strengthens your immune system and controls your diabetes. The most important discovery of this century for the immune system could be something called glyconutrients. Glyconutrients are at the forefront of research in nutritional science and biochemistry. Glyconutrients are "sugars", but not what you think. These are eight simple sugars that Harpers Biochemistry, each doctor's “Bible” of biochemistry, calls “essential sugars”. These are simple sugars or "monosacharrides" that create cellular communication. They are responsible for making your cells “speak”. Your immune system is screaming for glyconutrients Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases (e.g. lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis), osteoporosis, genetic diseases, foreign viruses, AIDS and infant mortality appear to be more prevalent today than ever. Why are we facing these growing health challenges?
The reasons are quite simple. According to the 1992 Earth Summit, the United States has the worst soil in the world, 85% exhausted. This means that the power of our food supply is not able to maintain optimal health. The amount of toxins in our environment has reached a level where the FDA has now designated "permitted" levels of dioxin and other harmful chemicals in the environment. Today, we have more than 300 chemical toxins, including dioxin, in tissues that were not present in any human before 1940. Processed foods and fast foods deprive us of even more essential nutrients. Many scientists believe that commercial agriculture, which burns nutrients and adds poisons to the soil, as well as sending "green" foods to ripen on trucks, are major contributors to poor health. Our bodies' ability to defend themselves and protect themselves Every human being is equipped with natural killer cells which identify and kill tumor cells and cells infected with viruses or certain types of fungi or bacteria. Americans have lost more than 25% of the function of natural killer cells (our first line of defense) in the past 15 years due to toxins, viruses and daily stressors. We seem to have the capacity, but we lack the energy to protect, detoxify and heal properly. Healthy cells produce healthy tissue. Healthy tissue makes healthy organs. Healthy organs make healthy systems. If your systems work synergistically and are healthy at the cellular level, you have no health problems.
In conclusion, glyconutritient supplements allow the human body to manifest more of its potential by improving cellular communication. These nutrients are an essential element to support the natural function of all our systems and in particular the immune system which is in danger in our toxic and denatured environment. While the scientific community is creating pharmaceutical and synthetic applications for this discovery, there is already a nutritional supplement that provides a ready resource of these saccharides. Does this mean you can throw your diabetes medicine or insulin in the trash? Probably not yet. It is always best to make a gradual transition. Start taking glyconutrients under the care of your doctor while you are still using your medicine.
The reasons are quite simple. According to the 1992 Earth Summit, the United States has the worst soil in the world, 85% exhausted. This means that the power of our food supply is not able to maintain optimal health. The amount of toxins in our environment has reached a level where the FDA has now designated "permitted" levels of dioxin and other harmful chemicals in the environment. Today, we have more than 300 chemical toxins, including dioxin, in tissues that were not present in any human before 1940. Processed foods and fast foods deprive us of even more essential nutrients. Many scientists believe that commercial agriculture, which burns nutrients and adds poisons to the soil, as well as sending "green" foods to ripen on trucks, are major contributors to poor health. Our bodies' ability to defend themselves and protect themselves Every human being is equipped with natural killer cells which identify and kill tumor cells and cells infected with viruses or certain types of fungi or bacteria. Americans have lost more than 25% of the function of natural killer cells (our first line of defense) in the past 15 years due to toxins, viruses and daily stressors. We seem to have the capacity, but we lack the energy to protect, detoxify and heal properly. Healthy cells produce healthy tissue. Healthy tissue makes healthy organs. Healthy organs make healthy systems. If your systems work synergistically and are healthy at the cellular level, you have no health problems.
In conclusion, glyconutritient supplements allow the human body to manifest more of its potential by improving cellular communication. These nutrients are an essential element to support the natural function of all our systems and in particular the immune system which is in danger in our toxic and denatured environment. While the scientific community is creating pharmaceutical and synthetic applications for this discovery, there is already a nutritional supplement that provides a ready resource of these saccharides. Does this mean you can throw your diabetes medicine or insulin in the trash? Probably not yet. It is always best to make a gradual transition. Start taking glyconutrients under the care of your doctor while you are still using your medicine.
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