Diet and menus to lose weight...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is characterized by "an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat which can be harmful to health". It is therefore important to act. As such, the diet to lose weight offers recommendations for losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Its goal is to provide the body with what it needs, when it needs it. By focusing on the right foods to lose weight, you increase your chances of losing weight without frustration or deprivation.
The 5 essential points of the diet to lose weight:
- Listen to your eating sensations
- Favor foods with low energy density
- Include more fiber
- Avoid fats, sugar and industrial products
- Fight against a sedentary lifestyle
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is characterized by "an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat which can be harmful to health". It is therefore important to act.
As such, the diet to lose weight offers recommendations for losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Its goal is to provide the body with what it needs, when it needs it. By focusing on the right foods to lose weight, you increase your chances of losing weight without frustration or deprivation.
Benefits of a diet to lose weight...
The diet to lose weight has many health benefits:
- Takes into account the concept of energy density of food
- Lose weight without feeling hungry, frustrated or tired
- Does not require excessive control over the amount of food consumed
- Does not require calorie calculations
- Learn to listen to food sensations: without any deprivation, you will stop eating naturally when you are no longer hungry.
- The most important rule of this diet is to eat only when you are hungry and to stop as soon as you feel full.
Attention, for health, it is considered that the weight loss should not exceed 1kg per week.
What should a diet meal contain? Our recommendations
The diet for weight loss is a set of recommendations on the best food choices to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It allows you to continue the weight loss process gradually.
Here are our dietary recommendations for sustainable weight loss.
Foods to lose weight...
Certain food categories, in addition to satiating, can actually help the body lose weight. Weight loss foods are very useful in a diet meal for weight loss without deprivation.
Low energy density foods...
The best way to lose weight, and maintain a healthy weight, is to increase your intake of satiating foods chosen based on their energy density. The energy density takes into account the quantity of calories contained in a food compared to the volume of the food. For example, you will need to eat several apples to have consumed 100 kcal. On the other hand, a small handful of crisps will suffice to achieve this same energy intake of 100 kcal.
as part of this diet, it is therefore recommended to consume mostly foods with low energy density: fruits and vegetables, whole grain products and legumes. Rich in fiber, water and micro-nutrients, they satiate by providing very few calories.
Here is a classification of foods to favor and foods to limit according to their energy density
Foods to favor...
Energy density from 0 to 1.5
Foods to consume in moderation...
Energy density from 1.5 to 4
Foods to limit...
Energy density from 4 to 9
Fruits and vegetables
Potato and corn
Whole grains
White fish and seafood
Turkey ham
Skim milk and soy
Vegetable broths
Yogurts 0%
Fried foods and breadcrumbs
Industrial cookies and cakes
Mayonnaise-style sauces
Pastries and pastries
Consume fruits and vegetables
It is important to consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day as part of a diet. These are low in calories, rich in fiber, water and antioxidants.
The plate must be filled with 50% vegetables. So your diet meal will be much more likely to fill you up for less calories.
A serving of fruits and vegetables is equivalent to:
250g vegetables
1 bowl of salad
1 apple
250g strawberries
2 kiwi
Half a melon
Promote proteins
Proteins are satiating foods, they are the consistent part of the meal. They are very important in a balanced diet because they provide stable energy and make it possible not to be hungry between meals. They act a little like speed regulators: consuming them with each meal provides energy to the body throughout the day. To lose weight, protein must account for 20% of total calories.
Some protein-rich foods to incorporate into the diet to lose weight:
Lean meats
Dairy 0%
Meat substitutes made from soy and tofu
Oilseed butters (to be limited to 1 teaspoon per day)
Favor dietary fiber
Dietary fiber has its place in a diet meal. They reduce appetite and promote weight control in two ways. On the one hand they slow the absorption of sugar in the blood, on the other hand they swell in the presence of water and give the stomach the feeling of being filled. It is recommended to consume 25 to 30g of fiber per day. By consuming fruits and vegetables at each meal, whole grains and legumes, this 30g intake is quite achievable.
Some tips for increasing your fiber intake as part of a diet:
Choose whole breads and starchy foods
Add oat bran to dishes (yogurts, soups, salads, etc.)
Make your own juices by mixing fresh fruit
Add seeds and nuts to dishes
Eat legumes by adding them to salads, soups and dishes
Make a light meal in the evening
In the evening, the body no longer needs as much energy as the day. It is therefore necessary to adapt the meal accordingly and not to consume more than 30% of the calories of the day at dinner. For an adequate meal, you can refer to the model designed by the nutritionists of Harmonie Santé, illustrated opposite.
Here are some tips to reduce the calorie intake of dinner:
Choose a medium plate
Half of the plate must be occupied by vegetables
A quarter of the plate should be filled with starchy foods (about the size of the palm)
In the other quarter, place the portion of meat or substitute (100 to 150g maximum)
Take time to eat calmly
When you are no longer hungry, stop eating. You should never force yourself to finish your plate if you are full
Other recommended foods:
Low-fat dairy products
Foods to Avoid in a Weight Loss Diet
As part of a diet to lose weight, certain foods are to be avoided. Often sources of calories, bad fats and sugars, it is recommended to limit their consumption to facilitate weight loss and be in good health.
Limit bad fats...
Without emphasizing the calorie content, it should be remembered that it is the lipids that provide the most calories in the diet (more than carbohydrates and proteins). In addition to this, lipids are less satiating than carbohydrates and proteins. Even if fats are essential for the proper functioning of the body, they must be limited to 30% of total calories.
It is recommended to limit the following foods due to their high content of saturated fat:
Fried foods
Sweet and savory industrial cookies and cakes
Whole milk and dairy products
fast food
Prepared industrial dishes
Industrial products
Many industrial products are made from ingredients harmful to health. For example, these products are often high in sugar. Sugar is used as a preservative and flavor enhancer. In addition, the fats used in these products are often of poor quality because they are inexpensive (trans and saturated fatty acids). Finally, we often find that these products are more salty than homemade products. As part of a diet, it seems important to limit the consumption of industrial products.
Some tips to limit industrial food:
Make your own cookies and cakes
Cook more and keep leftovers in the freezer for a quick meal
Make your own lunch
Read food labels carefully
Cooking simple dishes based on raw foods (fruits and vegetables, lean meats, etc.)
Replace ready-made snacks with fruit and milk.
Refined products
Refined products are cereal products obtained from refined cereals (white flour, white bread, classic pasta, etc.). Refined products contain little or no fiber. This lack of dietary fiber can slow down weight loss. On the one hand because they are less satiating products and on the other hand because they cause blood sugar to rise more quickly after a meal. As we saw earlier, fiber is very important as part of a balanced diet meal.
Sugar, by stimulating insulin secretion, promotes storage in the form of fat. Excess sugar can lead to overweight, obesity and insulin resistance in the long run. One thing is for sure, sugar and sugary products should be avoided as part of a diet to lose weight.
Here are some tips to reduce your daily sugar intake:
Do not add sugar to your hot drinks
Replace sugar with honey in your yogurts and pastries
Make your own cakes and cookies
Use natural sugar substitutes: honey, stevia, coconut sugar, etc.
Drink only water: sugary and light drinks maintain the body's dependence on sweet taste.
Sedentary lifestyle
A diet should be accompanied by daily physical activity, if possible. Physical activity, even gentle, helps increase the body's energy expenditure in addition to keeping it healthy. The fact of moving after a meal, for a walk for example, increases the metabolism and involves a considerable energy expenditure within the framework of a diet.
To increase your energy expenditure gently you can:
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Take a 30 minute walk a day
Get off the bus one stop before your usual stop
Do some exercises while watching your TV show
Cycling on weekends
Other foods not recommended:
Fried foods and breadcrumbs
Daily practical tips to follow the diet well
Learn to read nutrition labeling
Fats are indicated by the term lipids. What is interesting is to look at the mention "of which saturated fatty acids": if you have the choice between several products privilege the one which contains the least of saturated fatty acids. The sugars are indicated by the term carbohydrates. What is interesting is to look at the mention "of which sugars": if you have the choice between several products opt rather for the one containing the least sugars.
To drink a lot of water
Water not only fills the stomach but also hydrates the body and supports it in its cleansing process. Water thus promotes various chemical and metabolic reactions. Water alone should be the main source of hydration, it is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. You should increase your water intake during heat and physical exercise.
Be careful however, sugary drinks such as fruit juices, sodas and syrups should not replace water. They are rich in hidden calories and can slow your weight loss. Tea and coffee without sugar can help hydrate the body, but your consumption should not exceed 2 to 3 cups per day.
Have a snack in the afternoon
A quality afternoon snack is useful for losing weight. It makes it possible to split the food and to prevent the cravings which push to devour anything, anytime. By taking a snack in the middle of the afternoon, you will naturally eat less at the evening meal. To be nutritious, the snack must contain carbohydrates and proteins. Here are some examples of balanced snacks:
1 apple and 5 to 6 nuts
0% yogurt with honey and some flax seeds
0% cottage cheese with fresh raspberries
30g muesli in 1/2 cup soy milk
1 slice of wholemeal bread and 30g light cheese
What menu to lose weight?
Some recipe ideas...
Weight loss menu - Woman - 1400 kcal
- Morning Breakfast Berlin (oatmeal, whole wheat bread, cream cheese, banana and milk)
- Green tea cup snack
- Noon Cajun fish fillets, spinach with raisins, A slice of bread (whole wheat) and Yogurt and berries
- Crudités and cheese snack
- Evening Vegetarian Chili with Tofu (made in advance) and Parboiled Brown Rice
Weight loss menu - Men - 1800 kcal
- Morning Cancun Breakfast (yogurt, homemade granola, apple, whole wheat bread and peanut butter)
- Green tea cup snack
- Noon Clam and fish soup with orange, Tomato and feta cheese salad and Two slices of bread (whole wheat)
- Milk and orange snack
- Evening Simmered chicken and citrus peppers (done in advance), Parboiled brown rice and Fruit bowl
Stimulate thermogenesis...
Thermogenesis is the metabolic process that turns food into energy. Some foods and nutrients increase thermogenesis more than others, but only modestly. This is the case for example of proteins, green tea and cayenne pepper. In one study, the active compounds of green tea (catechins and caffeine) and those of cayenne pepper (capsaicin) combined with calcium and tyrosine slightly increased energy expenditure.
According to a meta-analysis, it seems that Westerners react less to the effects of the active ingredients of tea than Asians. Incorporating a little green tea into the diet cannot harm, but will not work miracles.
Another study shows that cayenne pepper is more powerful than a placebo in reducing abdominal fat in an obese person. On the other hand, there is no difference in terms of weight.
Consume dairy products to lose weight?
An intake of less than 600mg per day would slow down weight loss and encourage people to consume more fat. This is what a study has demonstrated by confirming the following hypothesis: "The brain perceives a calcium deficiency and seeks to compensate by stimulating food intake".
Be careful however, if you already consume at least 2 dairy products per day, an additional intake will not have any effect on your weight. To reach 600 mg of calcium, it is recommended to consume 2 dairy products per day (yogurts, cheeses or milk).
The Kitchendiet slimming program, with its fresh, ready-made slimming dishes, allows you to lose weight by respecting the recommendations mentioned above.
Find more tips on the catogary section of blog.. related
Weight problems - obesity and overweight.
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