Nutritional advice to fuel your body

A good diet can provide the body with what it needs, for example vitamins and minerals. Eating a healthy diet also keeps your body from getting sick. Making the right food choices is very important because it allows your body to get all the energy it needs to function. Eating well can also help you feel good about yourself! Talk to your doctor or nutritionist if you are concerned about your nutrition, eating habits or weight.

Why eat a healthy diet?
If you eat well, you will feel better and have more energy. Eating a good diet can facilitate physical activity and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even certain cancers.

What does it mean to eat healthy?
Eating healthy means paying attention to your diet, for example: eat a variety of foods; prefer a diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains; limit foods high in sugar and salt; eat foods with a high calcium content, such as milk and almonds; follow a diet that meets the body's iron needs; stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water. Your age, height and activity level will help you decide what to eat and how much.

What is a vegetarian diet?
Being a vegetarian can be a healthy choice, as long as you keep getting the amount of nutrients you need. There are different diets without meat or with less meat, which target in particular: people who do not eat red meat; people who avoid meat and fish, but still eat eggs and dairy products; people who avoid meat, fish and dairy products, but who eat eggs; people who avoid meat, fish and eggs, but who eat dairy products; people who do not eat any food containing animal products (this is the vegan diet). If you choose to follow one of these diets, however, make sure that you meet the nutritional needs of your body. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist if you are concerned about your diet.
