How much hair fall is Normal

How much hair fall is Normal

Knowing How Much Hair Loss is Normal and When to Seek Help

You wake up with a strand of hair on your pillow or see strands of your precious mane on your hairbrush and wonder how much hair loss is normal.  This kind of hair loss should not cause you to worry much since everyone sheds an amount of hair on a regular basis.  If, however, you run your fingers through your hair and come out with clumps of hair on your hand, you might want to make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist at the soonest possible time.  This is, of course, an extreme case.  To protect your hair from premature shedding, you have to give it the care and attention it needs to grow properly.  Taking care of your health and sticking to hygienic practices is the best way for you to prevent premature hair loss. 

Finding Out How Much Hair Loss is Normal and Safe 

When consulted about how much hair loss is normal and safe, medical experts say that every person sheds as much as an average of 150 strands of hair every day.  You cannot, of course, count every single strand that falls off your head.  Just use your powers of observation to gauge whether or not you are shedding hair more than any other day. Visible thinning of the hair in some parts could indicate alopecia or male pattern baldness. In women, pregnancy and menopause can be conditions that aggravate hair loss. Simply ensuring that your hair and scalp get the nutrients they need to stay healthy could keep you from losing any more hair than is normal and safe. 

Dealing With How Much Hair Loss is Normal and Maintaining Hair Health 

There is no reason to be bothered with normal hair loss.  Now that you know how much hair loss is normal, you do not have to fuss with your hair so much as to actually cause more harm than good.  You might not realize it but the products that you choose for your hair could lead to more hair loss.  Focus on maintaining proper hair and scalp health by regularly cleansing with a mild shampoo for hair loss that is specially formulated for hair strengthening and growth.  Stop pulling on your hair too much or using harsh hair styling products and implements.  If you suffer from other hair scalp conditions as itching, you might want to see your dermatologist to check if there are other problems that could be causing your hair loss. 

No Worries With How Much Hair Loss is Normal – All in a Day’s Work 

Hair loss is part of everyday life – it’s all in a day’s work as they say.  You do not have to worry about how much hair loss is normal for as long as you see that your hair is growing healthy.  Unless you start noticing thinning sections of your hair or bald patches developing, there is no cause for you to worry.  Make sure that you take care of your overall health and well-being to prevent a host of problems including premature hair loss. Eat a healthy diet to maintain your body’s nutritional balance to ensure that enough of the essential vitamins and minerals get to your hair to keep it from falling off before its natural shedding cycle. 

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