DIY Home wind Turbine ? Build your own wind turbine
If you are looking for a greener alternative to conventional
sources of power you can opt for harnessing the wind energy. It is safe, cheap
and inexhaustible. Above all, it has little or no environmental fallout. While
many concerns are selling home wind turbines, it is not difficult to make one
yourself. You can use easily available raw materials from your local hardware
store to build a DIY wind turbine. You can go one step further and use recycled
materials to make your wind turbine even more environment friendly.
The favorable conditions...
Before you decide on building your own home wind turbine, you have
to ascertain that it will ultimately be economical. Wind speed is a critical
factor. The site should be windy enough and the average mean wind speed (AMWS)
should be consistently high enough to keep the machine in operation. Flat
plains with little constructions are most suitable.
Steps to build your own home wind turbine
In order to build a DIY home wind turbine, you have to proceed
according to the following steps.
• The most crucial part of the machinery is the generator and it
is also the most difficult to procure. This is the motor which actually convert
the force of the blowing wind into electricity. You can use a car alternator.
However, most of them require a much higher shaft speed to produce an electric
current than what wind can produce. Instead you may opt for old computer type
drive motors. The most suitable permanent magnet DC motor is that which
produces the highest voltage at lowest revolution per minute.
• Blades of the wind turbine can be curved from wood. A much more
convenient alternative is to make them from PVC pipes. Roughly, such a pipe
should be one – fifth as thick as it is long. A piece of that pipe should be
cut into quarters and you can fashion your own blades. A hole should be drilled
at the broader end so that they can be welded to the hub.
• You then need to attach the blades to a hub. Any pulley and
metal rings can serve the purpose. This unit is now joined with the motor with
the help of a conduit. A tail made of metal needs to be attached to keep the
blades turned into the wind.
• If you want to take the greatest advantage of the wind speed,
the turbine has to be raised on a tower. Generally, a turbine has to be at
least 30′ higher that any construction around it for a radius of about 500′.
You can make the tower from pipes, with the base made of plywood. A tee can be
installed so that you could lower or raise the blades. One alternative is to
use old TV towers which are now becoming obsolete as people opt for satellite television.
Homeowners may even pay you a fee to remove their old TV towers.
• Finally, you require batteries and a control system to ensure
the greatest utilization of the wind power that you have harnessed.
Reconditioned batteries from golf carts or boats are quite suitable. You need
to install a controller which will send the power produced by the generator to
the batteries. A diode prevents the power from being cycled back to charge the
batteries. Rather, the controller sends the current to the batteries. In case
the battery is fully charged, the excess current is sent into a secondary load
to prevent overcharging of batteries. When wind speed is low, this stored power
can be directed back to the batteries with the help of a charger. You should of
course install simple indicator switches to monitor the status of your
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