Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy

Alternative energy is that which is derived from sources outside of burning fossil fuels. Alternative energy may come from renewable or non-renewable sources. The forms of alternative energy discussed on these pages will include using solar, wind, water, biomass, magnetic, gravitational and heat sources to generate electricity.

Other sources such as clean coal and next generation nuclear reactors will also be discussed as alternative energy possibilities.

Hydrogen and battery technology will also be examined as methods of alternative energy storage or fuels that are generated by non-traditional methods.

Traditionally, electricity is derived from burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil. In the United States alone, over 50-percent of the electricity for the grid is made by burning coal, which is also the largest contributor to greenhouse gases and global warming.

Burning fossil fuels such as gasoline in cars and other vehicles is the second highest contributor to the ill effects of our environment. By using alternative energy, the U. S. and other countries can reverse global warming plus the dependence upon foreign nations for fuel.

Alternative energy means, in a nutshell, reducing greenhouse gases, dependence upon foreign fossil fuels and in the long run lower costs for electricity. Imagine if homes, along with their satellite dishes, were also equipped with solar panels and a small, aesthetically pleasing wind turbine, which would subsidize or replace electricity from grid.

Also, imagine that these same homes or other buildings were actually selling the extra current back to the electrical grid. Well, this kind of alternative energy scenario is already happening in some areas of the country.

Alternative energy may sound leading edge to some and bleeding edge to still others but many experts think that we are already engaging in an alternative energy renaissance. The price of solar has come down tremendously in the past 2 years and wind energy is also very competitive right now.

Alternative fuels are also being manufactured in greater quantities and more cheaply than ever before. Ethanol, biofuels, hydrogen and other alternative fuels will have a great impact on our economy for years to come.

As research and development into alternative energy methods continues and marketers and publishers get the word out about the different kinds of alternative energy sources available now and in the near future, the field can only blossom. With the public's keen interest in alternative energy at this point in time, when peak oil is just a few years away, the field of alternative energy has a bright and shining future, indeed.

 Types of alternative energy sources 

We cannot arrive at a solution for global warming, only if certain countries use renewable alternative energy sources. Although building solar and hydro electric plants are expensive, the cost of using these energy sources will reduce in the long run. On the other hand, the price of fossil fuels like crude oil keeps rising. If all the countries in the world switch to alternative energy sources, the volume of production will increase and this in turn will reduce the huge costs involved in building solar panels and windmills. Being less dependent upon fossil fuels will keep our planet free from pollution and the future generations can utilize the remainder non-renewable energy sources during unavoidable circumstances.

Solar energy, wind energy, biomass, hydropower and geothermal energy are renewable alternative energy sources. All these energy sources are natural and renewable which means they can be used repeatedly. Once money is spent on installation of solar panels, energy from the sun is free, not only once but every time we are in need of sunlight. We need not fear that solar energy will get depleted unlike fossil fuels such as crude oil and natural gas. Solar power plays an important role in electricity generation, heating and cooking. Application of solar energy is useful not only at homes but also in industries. Industrial consumers deploy solar energy to a large extent due to the numerous benefits it offers.

When it comes to energy resources, nature provides us lot of options to choose from and they are also safe for us. Trees provide us shelter and vegetables. Apart from these, they contain energy that can again be harnessed by mankind. Another useful alternative energy sources is biomass which is a renewable energy derived from plant materials. Due to the process of photosynthesis, plant materials like corn stalks, pine cones and others release sun’s energy when they are burnt. This energy can be used for driving your vehicle or to heat your home. Hydro power can be harnessed for various useful purposes. This is used mainly for generating electricity.

Similar to sunlight, usage of wind is also free which can again be harnessed by mankind to retain a pollution free environment. Wind energy is converted into mechanical energy to generate electricity. This kind of energy is another main alternative energy resource that is useful without being hazardous to the environment. Harmful greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are not emitted by wind turbines. Modern wind turbines are placed in areas where the winds are stronger. Offshore and high altitude sites are ideal for wind farms. Another type of eco friendly energy which can be used for generating electricity is geothermal energy. In some places, around the world, hot steam or water is found under the earth which can be brought to the surface. Countries like China, Italy, United States and Iceland have unstable surfaces where geothermal power sources can be witnessed.
