How to deal with your fears?
All negative feelings are related to fear at the same time as all positive feelings are related to love, so doubt, anger, envy, revenge, shame and jealousy are a form of fear on the other hand, trust, compassion, joy, gratitude, appreciation is associated with love. All emotions are an important part of ourselves and should be welcomed and never avoided, when you detect a feeling reaching you, as it happens hundreds of times each day, let them in, do not resist them, as this is generate stress.
The best way to react to negative feelings of fear and doubt is to accept them as they enter your body's energy centers, as this happens to internalize and feel the tension in your chest, stomach or throat, analyze your thoughts, don't resist them. Remember, you can never change the person or event that is causing the pain, you can react with anger and blame yourself or others for what is happening or you can react with love and confidence towards yourself, other person or circumstance that generated the fear.
Understanding Meditation
At the beginning of meditation practice, one often wonders how meditation will help and also, what should one expect from this practice? Meditation is a form of quietly "letting go" of your daily reality and being silent, in the embrace of eternity. In adopting a comfortable, yet alert posture in a quiet, undisturbed place, it is best to let your mind wander first, and when questions arise, try to answer yourself silently. For me, this is the best way to not only let go of your worries, but also to find solutions to what is stressful in our lives. It would seem contrary to many meditation practitioners, but I have been practicing meditation for years and find it to be the best way not only for me, but for others. As we begin, seated quietly, questions that seem so vast and overwhelming before meditation become distant, as they seem to disappear, in our mind. We will "hear" in his "voice still small inside", answers that first seem to come from ourselves, but soon you will understand that you could not have discovered these same answers, without meditation and concentration. This is the main point of meditation. Quiet contemplation that soon vanishes, self-discovery.
The best diet is not a diet at all but a lifelong commitment to better choices!
Numerous studies have shown that all diets have a temporary effect! The secret to losing weight is to make permanent choices in what we do, Here we have few long-term commitments:
• Commit to whole wheat bread
• Drink fruit juices instead of carbonated drinks
• Always select fruit for dessert
• Start most meals with a large salad.
• Take whole grain pasta, bread and rice
• Take more time to eat. It takes time for your body to send its signal of satisfaction
• Park your car at some distance rather than near
• Use the stairs for less than 4 floors
• Think positively about all of the above choices.
Building good habits is the answer to long term health!
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