Write steps of Material reservation in SAP with transaction code

 Here are the general steps for creating a material reservation in SAP using transaction code MB21:

1. Open transaction code MB21 in the SAP system.

2. In the "Material" field, enter the material number for the material you want to reserve.

3. In the "Plant" field, enter the plant code where the material is located.

4. In the "Storage Location" field, enter the storage location for the material.

5. In the "Quantity" field, enter the quantity of the material you want to reserve.

6. In the "Reservation" field, enter a unique reservation number, or use the default number provided by the system.

7. In the "Reservation Type" field, select the type of reservation you want to create (e.g. production, sales, etc.).

8. In the "MRP element" field you can specify a MRP area to which the reservation belongs.

9. In the "Issued to" field, specify the user or organization to whom the reservation is issued.

10. Click on the "Save" button to create the reservation. The system will display a success message once the reservation is created.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction code MB22 for changing reservations or MB23 for display reservations.

Additionally you can use MB26 to reserve from a reservation list, and MB25 to display reservation list.

Keep in mind that depending on your company's configuration, some fields or steps may vary. Also, you need to have the authorization to create or change the reservation.
