Bone health and iron in blood and Ideal weight

What is bone health?
 It is during childhood that you produce most of your bone density. Osteoporosis is a disease that makes your bones thinner and weaker to the point that they can break easily. Making sure you get enough calcium and getting enough exercise helps build strong bones and reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

What is iron?
Iron is a mineral that allows you to develop strong muscles and produce rich blood. It is found in foods such as: Red meat; peanut butter; nuts; seeds; spinach; whole grain cereals; grapes or other dried fruit; whole breads.

What is my ideal weight ?
Healthy weights vary from person to person because we all naturally have different shapes and sizes. Your doctor should be able to tell you your ideal weight based on your body type. Loving your body, whatever your weight, is also important.
